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产品代码 (HS 2017)
Wood; doors and their frames and thresholds
Fire-prevention wooden doors
Fire-prevention wooden doors of the Bonita casa brand of continuous section and with translucent filling to 25% of the area of an aperture in light. Single leaf of type DPD-01-Е160 and type DPD-01-Е160-overall dimensions (850*2250H) mm and double door type DPD-01-Е160 and type DPD-01-Е160-On with dimensions of (1350*2250H) mm, produced according to TU 5361-001-47264574-2015 (tolerances overall dimensions in height and width from 15% to minus 30%). Translucent fill - layered fire resistant glass brand "P M 27", thickness 27 mm, manufactured by TU 5923-001-34299980-2002.