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Katarzyna ANPO


地址14, Konenkova st., Moscow, 127560

电话+7 (499) 205-06-40

The company "Katarzyna" was founded in 1995. Main activity is manufacture of wheelchairs. Production capacity is 6000 per year. The company employs 22 people, including 8 employees with disabilities, also wheelchairs users. The main direction – active and sport wheelchairs. Achievements: 1999 - the route of A.V. Suvorov (Alpes); 2000 - conquered the Putorana plateau; 2002 – Top of the McKinley (Alaska); 2005 – rafting, the rivers of Kamchatka; in 2014 - the Elbrus; 2016 - the first wheelchair in the world for martial arts classes was developed.
活动类型 (NACE REV.2)
30.92 Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages
产品代码 (HS 2017)
871310 Carriages for disabled persons; not mechanically propelled
