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رقم التعريف الضريبي7727296096

عنوان117418, Moscow, Novocheremushkinskaya street, 50, apartment 317

هاتف8(495) 135-00-47

(HS 2017) رمز المنتج
490599 other maps geographical, hydrographic or similar maps of all types, including atlases, wall maps, topographic plans

(NACE REV.2) نوع الأنشطة
58.11 Publication of books
أسواق التصدير الحالية
عن الشركة
Our store has long been one of the leading sellers of domestic globes and map products on the Russian market. On sale only high-quality globes made using Italian technology for educational institutions and offices, excellent maps and atlases for children. Globen globes have been on the market since 2010. The first in Russia to receive the "Golden paper clip" in the category "Breakthrough of the year", the first relief domestic globes and globes with illumination that won the love of customers. The range is constantly updated, and the quality of cartography is increasing. Russian globes Globen are developing along with new technologies, responding to new customer needs. The developers of our globes closely monitor modern geographical discoveries and geopolitical changes in the world, promptly updating maps without compromising their quality. The audience of our customers has no age restrictions. In addition to the globes, we offer interesting colorful children's atalas and maps, the largest educational coloring pages. Our globes and maps have been pleasing kindergarten graduates and first-graders for years, helping high school students learn, and decorating office rooms. And not only in Moscow, but even in the most remote corners of our homeland.
الشركات المصنعة المتشابهة